An Altar for Lughnasa


Lughnasa, sometimes called Lughnasadh, marks the halfway point between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox. This ancient Gaelic feast-day honors the Irish deity Lugh and celebrates the beginning of harvest. Lughnasa always falls on August 1st but this year, I forgot to post on the actual holiday. But that’s what summer is for, right? Losing track of time and doing things a week later than you expected!

This summer on my Lughnasa altar I’ve included the following items:

  • a white candle nestled in a bowl of rose hips for gratitdue to my ancestors

  • Alium seed heads to honor the regenerative cycle

  • Hay stalks in a vase of a Femme Figure to honor ruition and creative energy

  • An image of twin startlings flying in a blue background to honor the sky as life giver

  • prayer flags as prayers of hope and wellness to all sentient beings

“You are the sky.
Everything else –
it's just the weather.”

― Pema Chödrön

If you’re looking for an infusion of creative inspiration this season, then head to the shop and snag the Creative Alchemy Cycle virtual Lughnasa bundle!

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