A Year of Altars


I follow the Wheel of the Year as a way of managing my time, my home-life, and my creative practice. It’s also how I make sense of a rapidly changing world and climate. The Wheel of the Year provides me a framework on which to build my response to these changes and a manner of engagement that is more in line with the pace of Earth’s outward facing metronome.

During the Wheel of the Year, I build altars in my studio to mark the cycles. And I share this process with those who are participating in the Creative Alchemey Cycle, my year-long e-course.

The Creative Alchemy Cycle was born out of a longing to shape for myself another way forward that centered creativity as a tool for transformation. Building a seasonal altar is just one of the tools I use to tend to this longing.

The Creative Alchemy Cycle is a way of attuning our creative process to the slow rhythm of nature and mirroring Earth’s instinct for healing and regeneration. The Creative Alchemy Cycle invites us to intentionally hone our creative impulses with a focus on justice, right-relationship, and personal innovation. For me, it is a kind of homecoming. This is also how I shift culture.

I’m celebrating this month because I’ve just completely a full year of the Creative Alchemy Cycle, which also means that I have created a full year of seasonal altars. This year, I decided to document them and share them here on the blog. You can find all eight below.

  • How do you mark the seasons of your year?

  • Do you create little altars around your home or work space?

  • How do you use them?

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