An Altar for the Spring Equinox


The season of Ostara, also known as the Vernal Equinox, marks the first day of spring and the halfway point between the solstices. For those of us in the northern hemisphere, Ostara falls on Saturday, March 20th. This ancient holiday honors resurrection, renewal, and fresh, warm energy as the sun crosses the celestial equator, moving from south to north.

This season, on my altar celebrating the spring equinox, I have included a variety of objects to welcome a season of creative growth and emergence.

The central figure on both my spring and autumn equinox altar is Persephone, daughter of the Earth Goddess Demeter. Persephone is seen here with a crown of dried flowers. Six months ago, Persephone left Earth to join her husband Hades in the Underworld. At that time, Dememter’s grief ushered in the dark and dormant season. And today, on the spring equinox, Persephone returns home and reunites with her mother. Demeter’s joy welcomes in a season of renewal and growth. And so the eternal cycle continues on the Wheel of the Year.

Other items on my altar are a bird’s nest (representing home and new life) filled with walnuts (representing wisdom and mystery). The walnuts are a stand-in for the traditional egg. There is a jar of full moon water on the altar flanked by a vase of feathers and flowers.

I hope that you all have a beautiful spring equinox! Welcome renewal. Welcome rebirth. Welcome water. Welcome green growing things. Welcome hope. Welcome Persephone. Welcome Spring!

Interested in celebrating the season of Ostara in a deeper and more meaningful way? An a la carte version of the Creative Alchemy Cycle Ostara Bundle (digital) is avialable right HERE. Inspiration at your fingertips!

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