A Ritual for the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

Photo by Sarah Greenman (taken on November 28, 2020)

Photo by Sarah Greenman (taken on November 28, 2020)

Tomorrow’s full moon in Gemini also brings with it a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, which will be visible early Monday morning in the western hemisphere. This is the perfect time to get witchy and create Lunar Eclipse water!

The Celtic tradition from which I descend has centuries of tradition devoted to capturing the powers of the full moon. I’ve only just begun creating natural essences as a practice of honoring the seasons and moon cycles. It was Clare Kritter of Winter’s Sister Herbals who helped me to better understand the power and possibility of creating flower and nature essences.

Lunar eclipses can only occur during a full moon, but a penumbral lunar eclipse is different from a total lunar eclipse. A penumbral eclipse occurs when the moon moves into Earth's penumbra, or outer shadow. This causes the moon to look darker than normal.


Got time for a quick side-track about the word “Penumbra”?

What a great word, right? “Penumbra” took on new meaning for me when I recently watched What the Constitution Means to Me, written and performed by Heidi Schreck. “Here I am, standing in the light,” Schreck says from the front of the stage, “and there you are, sitting in the darkness. This space between us, this space right here of partial illumination, this shadowy space right here: This is the penumbra.”

Schreck continues, “Penumbra” is how Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas described the Ninth Amendment — the murkiest and least understood part of the constitution, even for Supreme Court Justices. (Justice Scalia once said he didn’t even remember studying it in school.) But it’s the amendment that leaves room to find new rights, that states that “just because a certain right is not listed in the constitution, it doesn’t mean you don’t have that right.”

I love the idea of a penumbra because it means there exists, in the shadows of our certainties, a space of not only possibility, but also unlearned truths — already present and ready for our future self to discover. How fucking cool! Okay, end of side-track.

The lunar eclipse occurring tomorrow morning holds the essence of this kind of possibility. Here’s how I’m going to capture the energy and wisdom of the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse and put it to use so that future me will be open to yet-known truths and engage in a deeper kind of authentic discovery. The purpose of this ritual is to bottle up all that good energy and use it for months after the event has passed.


On November 30, the moon will enter the penumbra at 5:29 am PST and leave the penumbra at 9:56 am PST. The peak of the eclipse will be 7:42 am.

What you'll need:

  1. A clear container with a lid. I typically use a mason jar.

  2. Water. I use tap, but feel free to use filtered water if you prefer.

What you'll do:

  1. Fill up your clear container with water and close it tight.

  2. Set your mason jar out under the full moon and make sure it stays out for the penumbral lunar eclipse. ((Tip: If you’re using a Mason jar, flip it upside down so the lid is on the bottom. Then the Moon energy can shine in through the glass.))

  3. While your water is collecting energy, set your intention.

  4. Put your water away once the lunar eclipse is complete.

What you can do with it (the possibilities are endless):

  • Apply it to your Third Eye Chakra to enhance meditation or psychic awareness.

  • I like to use my moon water for watercolor painting

  • Put some in your drinking water when you need power, luck, or help for the day

  • Add to ice cube trays and use them in your drinks. You can also add some herbs or flowers of choice based on your intentions.

  • Use it to bake when you're making something extra special

  • Wash your face with it for luminosity and revival

  • Add to a spray bottle for cleaning your home. Mix white vinegar and moon water in a 50/50 mix. Add orange, lemon peels, rosemary, lavender, or whatever you choose. Great for cleansing, protection, and purifying your home.

  • Use it to water your plants when they're looking down

  • Use it in a humidifier

  • Keep a small bottle, vial, or container of it with you during your daily routine. This will allow you to keep the Moon water energy with you all day. It can also act as a kind of happiness/positivity jar.

  • Add it to other plant essences to magnify their effect

  • Put it in your coffee maker for an extra boost of energy

  • Mix it with warm water and Epsom salt for a foot bath to remember

  • Add some peppermint essential oil to your Moon Water and wipe down doors and windows. Not only does it keep out negative energy but bugs as well!

  • Add some to your animal's water bowl when they're feeling sick or lonely

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