Investing in Myself - The Catalyst Cohort with Anya Hankin

Some things can’t be explained. We are called to do something and we don’t question how. We just say yes. Over the past few months, I’ve been listening closely to the yearnings of my heart - those inner cravings that lay buried deep in the body. I’ve been craving ritual and structure. I’m craving creative sojourning. I’m craving wildness, but also discipline. I’m craving TIME.

I’m joining The Catalyst Cohort with Anya Hankin

I met Anya at a workshop with artist Flora Bowley in 2015. Or was it 2016? I don’t know what year it was. What I do know is that Anya’s work as a facilitator and creative guide in that setting was so supportive and quietly profound.

When I saw that Anya was assembling a group for the 2020 Catalyst Cohort, I felt the inner stirrings of those quiet cravings. The cohort is an in-person leadership immersion program built by Anya for emerging teachers, leaders, healers, and change-makers. I can’t tell you exactly why I need to do this, but I do. Its an investment in myself, in my skill set, and in my my personal mission to tell transformative stories and be of service.

Art is how I alchemize despair and anguish into joy - and I feel like this cohort is going to amp up my work in the very best of ways.

This journey will begin for me in 2 weeks and continue for 10 months. I am setting aside personal funds every month to make this important work possible.

I’m sharing my plans with you so that - if you feel called - you can support its manifestation.

Patrons of my work - my paintings, my plays, and my social justice work - can make monthly micro-donations through Patreon. You can also support this new journey with a comment of encouragement below!

Thank you for walking this path with me!

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Photos above are all from Anya Hankin’s Instragram feed - follow along!

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