New Work & Art Influences

My work often looks like other people's work. And I'm okay with that.

I am influenced by everything I read, see, hear and experience. But I'm also heavily influenced by other artists. This is not a bad thing. In fact, I think its the nature of the process. Nothing ever happens in a vacuum. Everyone has influences.

Some of my influences include Expressionists from the beginning of the last century: Pablo Picasso, Franz Marc, and Paul Gauguin to name just three. My influences also include modern abstract expressinists from the midcentury period: Cy Twombly, 

Joan Mitchell

, Lee Krasner, collage genius Conrad Marca-Relli, and in her own category, portraitist 

Alice Neel

. I also love the work of my contemporaries like 

Michelle Armas


Cecily Brown


Jenny Andrews Anderson

Marta Whistler

Gwenn Seemel

Flora Bowley


Jackie Leishman

, and most recently my studio mate

Jay Bailey

. The artworks created by these lovely people are always a part of my inner landscape.

These artists are all very different from each other. But they all end up in my own work in one way or another. Every time I step to the canvas, I feel them with me in some small way. This gives me courage. Am I borrowing from them? Absolutely. Am I copying their work? Absolutely not. I understand it as a time-space-warp-dialog. They are my helpmates.

Here is my latest piece from the studio. The image is from a live model I sketched two weeks ago during

Jay's bi-monthly Drawing Club

. Its entitled "Liminal" - 36 x 36 inch acrylic on canvas.

With this post, I simply wanted to acknowledge that I come from a 

lineage of art makers who keep me engaged and seeking as I make my own work. 

I am always filled with gratitude that I live in a world filled tip-top with art.

Who are your influences?

Who keeps you hungry and engaged?