Warrior Dash

I usually don't post this kind of stuff here, but it was so much fun, I thought you'd enjoy a little update.  On Sunday morning, when other Texans were in church, my friend Mallory and I ran the Warrior Dash.  What is Warrior Dash?  It's a 5K with all sorts of military-style obstacles thrown in for good measure - ie. scaling walls, belly crawling through trenches, balance beam over big piles of gooey mud, etc.  If you've been following my other blog, Smaller Sarah, you know that I'm on a one year journey to lose 75 pounds.  Well, I have only one month left and only 10 more pounds to go!  Yay for me.  Aaaaanydoodles, here are the photos of me and my bud, Mallory, during Sunday's Warrior Dash in Roanoke, TX.  Don't we look dainty?

Emerging from the lagoon...

Crossing the finish line covered in stanky-funky mud.  So gross.

Here is my before and after shot from the race.  
Before: a busy working stay-at-home-mama and after: Warrior Queen.

All cleaned up in my official tee-shirt and my "I didn't die" medal.

Regularly scheduled programming will resume tomorrow.
You know...  boho decor, art and general design awesomeness.

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