Creating Time

Hello dear readers!  Something really intriguing has come my way, and I want to share it with you here at La Maison Boheme.  In a few weeks, I'll be participating in a Virtual Blog Tour for the release of the new book, Creating Time: Using Creativity to Reinvent the Clock and Reclaim Your Life by founder Marney K. Makridakis.

Marney is a friend of mine and we have a lot in common.  We're both artists, both writers, both bloggers and both mothers to two very special boys with special needs.  But most of all, we're both very busy ladies.  That's why I'm totally excited about The Creating Time Mega Event that Marney is hosting... three FREE weeks of inspiration as people all over the world will come together and welcome the ending of time as we know it - and the beginning of a new exhilarating way of living!  And it all starts tomorrow!

The Creating Time Mega Event starts April 2, and features 25 amazing luminaries inviting us to "time travel" as a collective community to create a new paradigm of time.

Have you noticed that time is moving faster than ever these days? That it's virtually impossible to engage in or observe any conversation that doesn't somehow bring up "time" in a negative context? That "time" is the one thing that seems to hold most of us back from living the lives we were born to live? I see this all the time in in my own life. I juggle a special needs baby and an on-the-go preschooler, while tending to my home, friendships, bills, errands, work and more.

The Creating Time Mega Event is FREE and it starts tomorrow, April 2, 2012, and runs for three weeks. You'll get inspiring live webinars, daily email inspiration, dynamic time-shifting games and challenges, a lively interactive community of fellow time-travelers, and so much more.

Sign up today and join me 
for this very cool opportunity.