Sarah Saw Something

It's time for another installment of Sarah Saw Something, where I share little odds and ends that I found interesting around the blogosphere this week. 

This post showcasing ethnic textiles by Ashlina, aka The Decorista, made me very happy.

Rashon Carraway, aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting, blew my mind this week by painting (yes painting) a pair of wing back chairs in lieu of re-upholstering.  The best part is that it cost him only $14.99.  They looks amazing.  Click HERE to see the finished product and HERE to learn how he did it.

I can't stop listening to this duet by Gotye and Kimbra.  I love it so much.

For those of you who follow my other blog, Smaller Sarah - I just hit the six month mark on my one year weight loss journey!  I'm excited to report that I'm down 40 pounds and I'm gearing up for my first ever 5K run in March!  If you're interested, you can read more HERE.

And finally, don't forget to enter the Help Charlie Heal Giveaway.  You could win one of five sets of art cards created by my four-year-old son, Walker.  They are awesome!  Click HERE to enter.  Giveaway ends tomorrow night.