Stealing from Jamie Meares

Yesterday, I posted about a very cool wall treatment painted by Jamie Meares for her shop, Furbish.  I loved it so much that I immediately stole her idea and painted my entry way.  Eeek!  I love it.  Here is the result:

Jamie, I don't know you, but I love your work and I hope you don't mind that I'm a bold faced design thief.  Imitation, they say, is the biggest compliment you can receive.  I also just found another cool example of the same wall treatment technique at Marcus Design

So here is how I did it:  I rummaged through my almost empty paint cans and mixed them up until I made a suitable gray.  Then I free-form painted the circles, not thinking too much about placement.  I wanted the circles to be like fat zen circles and less oblong.  I made sure, however not to make my circles too small.

Then, I added my entry table - an "As Is" item from Ikea.  I added some books, magazines, a little rattan folding stool and a doll chest I've had since I was nine years old.

Then I hung one of my own paintings above.

And ta da...  A totally transformed entry way!