Guest Post - Fabulous K

Today is my last day away from La Maison Boheme and is also the final guest installment of the dream big backyard series.  Thank you to all my sister-blogger-friends who've allowed me to spend the week focused on tending to my baby Charlie during his surgery and recovery.  Today, please welcome Kelly of Fabulous K.  My question to Kelly?  "How would your backyard space look and feel if money were no object."  

Hello La Maison Boheme readers! I am thrilled to be guest blogging for Sarah while she's taking care of her sweet boy!  Sarah's topic is so much fun; I've enjoyed putting together my perfect backyard space.  If money were no object then I'd be all about the waterfront property, complete with a pool. Waking up to waves in the morning, lounging by the pool during the day; I can't imagine anything better!
photo 1, photo 2 and photo 3
Of course I'd have to jazz up the pool area with some 
bright pops of color, bold pattern and crisp, clean, white. 

So what do you think?  
Would you come for a visit to my dream backyard?   
A girl can dream, right?

Fabulous K

Thank you Kelly! Tomorrow, I'll be back with a special 
Baby Charlie edition of Sarah Saw Something.