Inspiration from Dallas, Texas

A rare Sunday post!  When I am searching for design inspiration, I usually look to homes in more exotic cities than Dallas to provide ideas.  So this week, I thought I'd turn my eye toward beautiful spaces right here in the Big D.  All the the rooms below are from homes featured in D Home magazine. 

My husband and I have lived in Dallas for three years.  We moved here from Seattle, Washington and as you can imagine, we had quite an adjustment period.  Whenever we travel or take time off, we leave the state to visit family in other parts of the world.  However, now that we have another baby and money is tight due to his medical expenses, we're looking for a getaway a little closer to home.

So here's my big idea: Each day this week, I'll post about unique Texas getaway spots.  We'll start in Dallas and travel south to Austin, San Antonio, west to Marfa and back to Dallas by Friday.  It looks like my family and I will be living here for a long time and I want to develop a more personal experience of the place in which I live, love and work.

Please join me this week while I scour the state for beautiful vacation locations!My goal is to discover great places within driving distance that will bring me into closer communion with my new home state.