Sarah Saw Something

Time for another weekly installment of Sarah Saw Something, where I share little bits and bobs that I found interesting in the blogosphere this week. Enjoy!

 This amazing home tour via Dwellers Without Decorators blew me away!

Very interested by this open call at Coco+Kelly. All submissions are due by April 25th - plenty of time to rock out a little ditty!  Click HERE for more details.

 Happy to see the launch of yet another online shelter magazine!  Click HERE to read the first issue of Trad Home - Lonny's new sophisticated baby sister.

And last but not least, the Help Charlie Heal Etsy store is restocked and filled to the brim with beautiful art cards. All of the art is created by 3-year-old son, Walker. 100% of our profits go towards Help Charlie Heal - a medical fund for Walker's brother Charlie.  We're saving our pennies for Charlie's craniofacial surgery in July, so please check out these gorgeous cards and if the spirit moves you, buy a set or two or four or ten!  Click HERE to browse our Etsy site.