Giveaway - Win a dress from Shabby Apple

Do you remember that spectacularly feminine white dress that Diane Lane wore in Under the Tuscan Sun?  When I saw it on the screen, I eeked out a little gasp.  It is the perfect dress.

Remember the feeling you had when you first saw this scene from Roman Holiday - Audrey Hepburn racing around on a scooter in that crisp white blouse?  Fun, flirty and utterly feminine?

Well, the sweet, stylish people at Shabby Apple want to turn this kind of feminine exuberance from a Hollywood dream into a reality.  Shabby Apple is giving one lucky La Maison Boheme reader the beautiful dress below. 

Crisp and cool, classy and cultured, the Bonheur is the ultimate summer shirt-dress. Clean lines as classic as the City of Lights itself lend feminine sophistication to this effortless style staple, perfect for a bike ride along the river or a summer picnic. (Or if you're me - pretending you are Diane Lane as Frances in Under the Tuscan Sun visiting her lover, Marcello in Positano.)  Crisscross styling, open neck and pointed collar, pockets at the bust and a plentitude of pleats descending from the cinched waist make this a go-to favorite for style mavens everywhere. (Size XS - XL).

If you're looking for a summer frock, and can't sit around waiting to win a blog giveaway, head over to Shabby Apple and use this 10% off coupon for La Maison Boheme readers!  There are so many gorgeous dresses to be had!  They also have incredible swimwear that will make any woman feel like a bombshell.  The coupon code is : lamaisonboheme10off

Giveaway closed.

For a chance to win, leave a comment below.  Its that easy!  Include your email or make sure we have a way to contact you when you win. This is for continental US residents only. (So sorry to all my sweet followers who reside outside of the USA.) Contest ends on Friday, April 29th at 9pm pacific time.  The winner will be chosen randomly (using and announced on Saturday, April 30th.

Bonus Entries
Please make a separate comment for each of the bonus things that you do. If you are already doing one of these things, please leave a comment to let me know. The separate comments help me to stay organized and makes choosing a winner so much easier. It also ups your chances of winning!

1. Follow this blog = 1 comment entry
2. Become a fan of La Maison Boheme on Facebook = 1 comment entry
3. Become a fan of Shabby Apple on Facebook = 1 comment entry
3. Blog or tweet about this giveaway = 1 comment entry