Reclaiming my Bedroom

I posted a few days ago about creating a shared room for my sons.  They are both on the same sleeping schedule at night, so we thought this would be a good time to make the switch. So far, its working out beautifully.  We are very lucky in that we don't have to store toys in the bedroom - we have a converted garage that serves as a play area.  The boys' bedroom is mostly dedicated to reading, nursing, diaper changing (for the baby) and of course, sleeping.  Here is a before and after of the space:





And here is our reclaimed master bedroom.  Until I figure out what I want to put against this wall, I've placed two brown wicker chairs and a side table I picked up off of Craig's List.  This is formerly the wall where we had the crib.  We also had a changing table in the opposite corner.  Both are now in the boys' room.  The diamond mirror on the wall was a recent find at a vintage consignment store in Dallas and the easel in the corner belonged to my grandmother who was a water colorist.  Its so nice to have our own space again!

Of course, even with a new room of their own, 
they still enjoy spending the morning on Mama's bed.

Also, I've been learning how to use my webcam recently so that I can try vlogging.  I did a test run yesterday and posted it to the La Maison Boheme Facebook page.  I've also posted my first vlog to my About page. The response was good, so I thought I'd give it a go for today's post.  I'd like to make La Maison Boheme more personal by posting vlogs in addition to my regular fare.  Dear readers, I'd love to hear your thoughts.  (If you don't care for video blogging, feel free to say so.  But please be kind and remember that I'm a mama to two little ones and I do all my blogging before 9am.  Meaning, my look is casual - even pajama-like,  and the coffee hasn't quite kicked in yet.  XO)