Collecting Stuff

Last month, my Mama was staying with me and my husband while we awaited the birth of our son, Charlie. One of the things my Mom and I love best is hunting and thrifting for treasures. Whenever there was a lull in the action (waiting for a baby can get boring) Mom and I hit the shops and estate sales. Over the course of her stay, a few new funky and beautiful objects made their way into my home. Let's do a little tour of all my new stuff!

So, remember the other day when I posted this? My Mama found one just like it at a thrift store in Halfway, Oregon for $2.50. It still works! The vintage tin is from my friend in Los Angeles. She sent it filled with homemade cinnamon rolls.

I picked up this boudoir lamp and metal side table. I'm going to sand down the table and paint it yellow... but that will be another post.

My mom picked up this porcelain box and card set at a neighbor's estate sale.

I also found this wonderful wood bowl at a consignment shop -
a Dallas institution called Lula B's.

And for those of you wondering what's up with the cork body parts in the back corner of my dining room, here's a close-up. The bust form was in the trash at a clothing store I used to work for. The screen was decoupaged by my grandmother in the 50's. She ripped up a poetry book and pieced it all together with sketches by Leonardo DiVinci. The Greek worry beads and hat boxes also belonged to my grandmother. I guess this is her corner.

This salt and pepper set were a gift my mom picked
up for my blue kitchen. I love birdies.

Picked up these little kitchen timers in the sale section at Cost Plus World Market. The flowers, pitcher and clock are all IKEA. (I know I said I'd never do silk flowers - like NEVER - but all the cut flowers I had, withered and molded in the Dallas humidity. Just say "no" to moldy flowers.)

Again, my mother and I were sifting through the sale section at Anthropologie and she found these plates. At first, I wasn't sold. I thought they were a little... I don't know... weird. But she carried them around the store saying, "They'll look really cute in your kitchen". We brought them home and she was right. They're great. I love them.

I hung them up on the wall as a trio.

And finally... I know that this is the most overdone poster of all time, but I love it. It arrived via Etsy the week I delivered Charlie - the perfect mantra for a woman in labor. As many of you know, Charlie suffered and survived a stroke in utero. He's a month old and still, there are so many unknowns about his condition and prognosis. This sentiment continues to keep me focused and looking toward the future.