Baby Charlie

I've had so many wonderful comments and notes from you, my sweet readers, inquiring after Charlie's health and progress.  Thank you so much.  Thank you for asking, thank you for caring and thank you for staying on me to share more of his story.  I have been somewhat quiet about his birth, mostly because his initial kick start into the world was so daunting and scary.  However, a friend of mine recently suggested that I open up to my blog community - let you all in a bit more and share in the joy of our new arrival!  It's been a rough seven weeks, no doubt, but Charlie is thriving in spite of his challenging diagnosis. He is alert, connected and moving his limbs with as much precision as a 7 week-old can muster.  He looks great and is showing all sorts of wonderful connected signs of health, personality and chutzpah!  If indeed you are interested in reading more specifics about Charlie and his journey, please take a look at Help Charlie Heal.  This is a blog, maintained by a few of my girlfriends, where friends and family can keep up with Baby Charlie.  Please know how much I appreciate all of your emails and well-wishing.  It means the world to me.