Autumn Breeze

Yesterday was a brilliantly breezy day in Dallas and this morning as I write, its 55 degrees.  In honor of this welcomed shift I want to introduce some beautiful fall color into my home.  Home decor and design is one of the easy ways for me to mark the changing seasons with my family.  And I'm not talking about decorating the mantel with pumpkins or little Mayflower replicas.  I enjoy changing the entire look and feel of my home. Sometimes this simply involves re-arranging the furniture, pulling out some of my darker autumn and winter decor.  Today, I'll tuck away the brighter objects and floral prints for next spring and re-introduce some rust colored velvet pillow covers, a few beautiful pieces of dark pottery and clear the decks for Fall.  What do you do to mark the changing seasons in your home?

via The Diversion Project
Raymond Hom Photogrphy