Wonder Boy

As you may have read earlier, our son Charlie Baird arrived on the evening of August 4th. We had a beautiful water birth at home with two amazing midwives before he was transported to the NICU for what has turned out to be some pretty serious problems. Charlie had a stroke in the womb, something that was near impossible to detect without a late term ultrasound. He has a bleed on the right side of the brain that may or may not be due to a condition called craneosinostosis - his skull bones prematurely fused leaving the front fontanel very small. Our family is asking for good thoughts and healing mojo for Charlie as he begins the healing process and makes his way home from the NICU. We don't know when that will happen, but we're hopeful that it will be soon! Here are some first photos of our little Wonder Boy. Thanks everyone for all your support during this daunting time.

Photography by Elizabeth Boyce of Earth Mama Photography.