Hunting - Buying our house Part 1

Hello dear readers! Something new is brewing. I'm heading into new territory and I want to drag you along. My husband and I just met with a mortgage broker and are at the beginning of a journey toward home ownership. We are very excited, but also feeling the thrill, fear and trepidation that all first time home buyers experience. To those of you who have purchased a home before, I pose this question: What do you wish you had known before buying your home? Please share your thoughts, advice and wisdom about home ownership. Wish us luck!

I never leave home without a little pocket sized tape measure and a list of important house measurements. You never know when you'll run into the perfect side table or a vintage curtain. Carrying a tape measure removes the guess work. Will it fit? Yes it will! The sweet tape measure houses above can be found at Patchwork Pottery.