“I was built this way for a reason, so I am going to use it.” —Simone Biles


Card: Your Body Is Holy

Landscape: Earth/Belonging

Title of Painting: Vishuddha Under Fire

Interpretation: Oh my goodness, you are beautiful. Truly. Think of all the things your body has done for you: air dropping in and out without your having to think of it, skin to sense breezes and sunlight, eyes to detect movement and distance, and miraculous interconnected systems that keep you upright, healthy, and conscious. With billions of humans on earth, no one is identical to another. Your body is an altar where you can worship daily your enduring strength and being-ness. Today, take a moment to wrap your arms around your body and thank it for it’s profound service, because your body is holy.

Deeper Resonance: This piece was created in 2013 as a response to Wendy Davis’ 13-hour filibuster against abortion restrictions in the Texas State Senate. Many attempts were made to extinguish her voice and I was inspired and astonished by her strength and fortitude.

Recommended Reading:
The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love Book by Sonya Renee Taylor