“It is in collectives that we find reservoirs of hope and optimism.” —Angela Davis


Card: Show Up For Each Other

Landscape: Community/Collective

Title of Painting: Chosen Family

Interpretation: There are times when words fail. We don’t know what to say or do. No matter. Show up anyway. The simple act of being present let’s others feel the power and support of your life energy. Showing up builds trust, resilience, and most importantly, empathy. Who do you need to show up for right now? Take some time today to reach out. Let them feel the steadiness of your hand on their shoulder. Remind them that you are there, ready to listen or just be. Someday you’ll need them to do the same.

Deeper Resonance: There is a beautiful intimacy between these two figures. Their physical closeness mirrors their emotional closeness. Perhaps they’ve hurt each other in the past. But they’ve also loved each other fiercely. They aren’t speaking, but simply gazing together in the same direction. They’ve chosen each other.

Recommended Reading:
The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters by Priya Parker