Sarah Greenman
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 Nourish Your Year:
Delights to Cultivate in 2024

a virtual creative retreat

Nourish Banner.jpg

Sunday, January 28th
1:00pm - 5:00pm PST

This retreat is:

A delicious antidote to resolutions

A creative counteraction to the status quo

A heart-filled reclaiming of your time and energy

A joyful act of resistance in the face of an unknown future

A chance to gather virtually and create, collage, and write together

No more new year's resolutions.

You know those terrible little nagging tasks we outline for ourselves at the beginning of each year? That horrible list of things we neglected last year that we drag into the new year to haunt our idle hours? Resolutions — I gave them up. Why? Because new year's resolutions always seem to be about NOT doing something or losing something or stopping something. Lose weight. Quit wasting time. Whooee — Just thinking about it gives me hives.

Let’s reclaim our delight and joy!

For years, I've been committed to doing things differently. I begin each lunar new year with a powerful and intentional ritual. I create a list of delights to cultivate in the year to come. These are juicy, joyful everyday acts of pleasure and healing that I want to call into my life.

Once I create my manifesto of personal delights, I undertake a fun and meaningful collage process to create an artful representation of my vision for the year. At the end of the journey, I have my list of delights and a deeply personal mandala to remind me throughout the year that joy is my birthright. I can't wait to share this potent process with you!


How we’ll spend our time…

  • We will gather on the afternoon of Sunday, January 28th. We’ll sip tea, settle into our cozy nooks surrounded by art materials and inspiration, and breathe some life into our creative practice. We will say goodbye to 2023 and collectively invoke an ebulient and generative new year.

  • We will grab our very favorite pen and dive into some generative writing / doodling prompts to set intentions and identify our personal joys and pleasures.

  • We will create a delicious and engaging roadmap for 2024, filled with delights to cultivate in the new year.

  • We’ll take a chocolate break and stretch our bodies. Then we’ll pour ourselves a glass of our favorite beverage and settle back in for another creative deep dive.

  • We’ll chat a bit about some techniques for creating our collage. Then, after a short guided meditation, we’ll put on some beautiful music and build a soulful collage as a visual manifestation of our joyful commitments to self in 2024.

  • We’ll close with a meaningful ritual to welcome the lunar new year.


Joy is an act of resistance.


What’s included?


I love mail! A week or two before we gather, you’ll receive a beautiful care package mailed directly to your doorstep, filled with supplies, gifts, and retreat materials:

  • welcome letter and poem

  • dark chocolate & tea

  • printed templates for our writing prompts

  • curated papers, quotes, and media clippings to get you started on your collage

  • a glue stick

  • stickers

  • a handmade stencil


On Thursday, January 25th (three days before we gather), you’ll receive an email with the following information:

  • a link and magic password to our studio Zoom room

  • a link to an image board with unique collage ideas (via Pinterest) to spark inspiration

  • a link to a playlist of my favorite songs to help us nourish our spirits and light the fires of joy for the new year


We will gather on Sunday, January 28th at 1:00pm Pacific Standard Time. Myriam and I will be with you every step of the way, guiding our experience and providing a nourishing and ease-filled framework so that you are free to play, create, and connect with your most joyful self. Y’all, this is going to be so much fun!

Here’s where you come in…

This experience is a collaborative one. You’ll need to provide a few things to ensure that your voice and vision are front and center as we dive into this creative adventure.

  • a cozy, inviting place to spend our time together

  • a sturdy backing on which to create your collage (11” x 14” is a great size)

  • a surface on which to write and build your collage

  • internet and Zoom access

  • your favorite writing implements

  • a pair of scissors

  • magazines, collected photos, and pretty papers you wish to use for your collage (no need to select images for your collage ahead of time — we will be doing that as a part of our guided creative process during the retreat)


Pricing Options

Sustainer Plan — $125

This payment option supports you in doing the work within this virtual community by compensating your facilitators for their time and energy. It also covers the overhead costs of retreat materials and shipping fees. Thank you for supporing independent artists and engaging in right-livelihood!

If you wish to also support equity pricing and low cost options please do so at Add “mutual aid fund” to your donation note. Thank you.

Equity Plan — $75

This payment option is available for those whose voices have been historically marginalized and silenced, and are therefore underrepresented. This means non-white, queer, people with disabilities (visible and non-visible), and people who cannot typically access these kinds of programs due to prohibitive cost and/or cultural insensitivity.

If this price point is beyond your current resources and you’d like to discuss other options, please reach out directly. Thank you!


About Your Guides

Hi, I’m Sarah Greenman.

I love gathering groups of curious, open-hearted humans for creative adventures! I believe that making art should be fun, indulge all of our deepest curiosities, and infuse our world with purpose and a collective sense of belonging.

I am an artist, facilitator, a community organizer, a story-teller, and an archeologist of the soul. I am an intuitive contractor, tapping on the walls of our lived experience to find weight-bearing beams of truth on which we may build our own work. I am a process junkie, a practical optimist, an eco-spiritualist, and a creative midwife. Situated in rural Southern Oregon, I am an ear to the ground, listening for the low rumbling of Earth’s call. My tools are simple yet potent: stories, art, and nature.

Hi, I’m Myriam Loschen.

Having been in service to others from a very young age, I never recognized that as a superpower… it is usually our strongest gifts that we are barely aware of possessing. Years of nourishing, celebrating, listening, caring for people and children has culminated into a practice of serving the wholeness in others.

Having a deep capacity for honoring and seeing people as equals, it is clear to me that all of my experiences, wounds, strengths and limitations are the source of my compassion and empathy. Without hesitation, I know serving humanity has been my greatest teacher and more powerful than mastery in any arena. I began this work to heal. Healing is a lived experience and what is needed for healing is compassion not expertise. More about me at


Important dates:

  • January 10th — registration closes at midnight on the 10th or until all spaces are filled

  • January 28th — We’ll gather in our Virtual Art Studio ((ie Zoom)) from 1:00pm-5:00pm Pacific Standard Time

Questions? Reach out!