“You are your best thing.” —Toni Morrison
Card: All You Have Is All You Need
Landscape: Spirit/Intuition
Title of Painting: While You Were Sleeping
Interpretation: You, just as you are this very minute, are enough. Your beautiful brain, your broken heart, and your brilliant body are all here in service of your healing and joy. There is no need to go searching outside of yourself. You have everything you need. Trust it.
Deeper Resonance: The night before my son, Charlie, had reconstructive craniofacial surgery, he slept soundly in his crib. My partner, Jack, sat beside him and had a vision. Thousands of golden butterflies fluttered above his peaceful body - each one representing someone sending their love to him in his moment of need. Jack told me about this vision and I created this image as a reminder that love is all Charlie really needs.